Poverty shrinks forests around the world

Poverty shrinks forests around the world

At first glance, the matter seems clear. Researchers in Japan analyzed detailed data sets on global forest cover from 1960 to 2019. Two opposing trends were observed: while deforestation has stopped in most richer countries and the number of trees has even increased again, in poorer countries the tropics still lost huge areas every year. … Read more

Smart trash can sort the waste using artificial intelligence

Smart trash can sort the waste using artificial intelligence

Germany is seen worldwide as a model country when it comes to waste separation. In fact, the results are significantly worse than often believed. This is mainly due to the sometimes complicated and confusing regulations. Some studies even concluded that randomly distributing the waste among the different bins would work just as well as deliberately … Read more

Norway must help to improve the climate balance in Germany

Norway must help to improve the climate balance in Germany

The so-called CCS technology, in which CO2 emissions are captured and stored underground, is highly controversial. Critics warn of uncontrollable effects on the environment. It is also feared that the urgently needed emission reduction will be postponed because there seems to be an alternative. However, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has now also determined … Read more

Justice takes action against illegal ship dismantling in Asia

Justice takes action against illegal ship dismantling in Asia

In fact, the world community had already agreed on specific rules in 2009 to dispose of old container ships in a professional and environmentally friendly manner. But the so-called “Hong Kong Treaty” will not come into effect until ratified by 15 countries representing at least 40 percent of the world’s trade fleet tonnage. This last … Read more

When Climate Change Becomes a Health Hazard

When Climate Change Becomes a Health Hazard

Excessive heat can have serious consequences for the health of the human body. This realization is certainly not new. However, these impacts of climate change seem to have been largely neglected until now. In addition, not only the temperature is a factor for health damage due to heat, but also the humidity. Model calculations conclude … Read more

Company Graz wants to make animal feed and bioplastics from CO2

Company Graz wants to make animal feed and bioplastics from CO2

We have too much carbon dioxide: This simple truth has puzzled countless researchers around the world. It is not just about reducing emissions, the second adjusting screw, consumption, is also being worked hard. Austrian researchers have now discovered a bacterium that helps to make protein-rich biomass from CO2. The end product can be used as … Read more