No yeast is needed for innovative pizza dough

A classic pizza dough is made from lake, water, salt and yeast. However, using yeast has two drawbacks: on the one hand, it makes the dough unsuitable for people who are allergic to yeast, and on the other, little yeast needs to be used in a dough that is allowed to rise slowly, ideally overnight, … Read more

With mini-antibodies against rheumatism and Co: Nanobodies inhibit chronic inflammation

Rheumatoid Arthritis

Our immune system is essential for life. It defends our body against the influences of bacteria, viruses, and other foreign bodies that enter from the outside. But it can also harm our bodies. The immune system is heavily involved in diseases such as gout, rheumatism, inflammatory bowel disease, or circular hair loss. Researchers have now … Read more

This is how China wants to protect the world from asteroids


The American space agency NASA recently presented plans for planetary defense against asteroid impacts. Now the Chinese space agency China National Space Administration CNSA is following suit. The plans include an early warning system and the development of appropriate countermeasures. Protection against celestial bodies As the deputy head of the CNSA, Yanhua Wu, explained on … Read more

New type of high efficiency insulation material

insulation material

New insulating material for building walls stores 24 times more heat than concrete or plaster. It was developed by researchers at Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU). It is a phase change material. When the sun shines, it absorbs heat so that it does not get into the wall and eventually into the interior. It becomes … Read more

Antarctic ice at an all-time low

While it’s no secret that Arctic sea ice is steadily declining, sea ice supplies on the other side of the world, in Antarctica, are much more stable. This year, however, the amount of ice covering the sea in Antarctica has fallen to an all-time low since records began in the late 1970s. Drastic decline in … Read more

Are robots the answer to the nursing crisis in hospitals?

Moxi has been supporting nurses at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, Virginia, since February. It is a human-sized robot that transports medicines, materials, blood samples and personal items through the hospital corridors. Such concepts can provide relief in nursing, which was already extremely stressed before Covid 19 therapy. High pressure in healthcare Nursing has no … Read more

Genetically modified trees must store more CO2

Plants, especially trees, are an important factor in the CO2 cycle. Large forests act as CO2 sinks and play a role that should not be underestimated in the fight against climate change. A startup called “Living Carbon” now wants to modify trees so that they not only grow faster, but can also absorb more CO2. … Read more